Sunday, January 22, 2012

Breastmilk Counts... continued

So last summer I let everyone know that our little family took a road trip to Austin, TX so that I could be interviewed for a pro-breastfeeding website.

Since then, I've had a number of people ask me if I'd ever seen the final product. My answer has always been... "No, I keep checking the website, but still nothing."

Well, last night, Austin asked if I had checked in a while, and it had been a month or two since I'd tried to find the video. Sure enough, it was posted!

So here it is. My 1:14 minute clip about breastfeeding. I certainly hope that my information, along with the other women who contributed, encourages women to nurse their babies/toddlers, even if they are having a hard time, or feel for some reason like they "can't."

Yes, I do nurse Denver briefly in this video. If you are uncomfortable with that, I wanted to inform you in advance. But maybe if you're uncomfortable with it, all the more reason to watch! ;)


  1. Caitlin, thank you so much for sharing your story and encouraging new moms who may feel nursing is not an option. The first 6 weeks were the hardest for me, as well. I was not a "natural" and there were times I felt defeated. Support from other breastfeeding mommies and the tireless dedication of a lactation consultant were invaluable in the months following Payt's arrival. The end result is so amazing, I wouldn't trade that experience for anything (even sleep, lol).

  2. Well said, well done, great job!!!
